Programming languages: Java [Books] Introduction To Java Programming, Comprehensive Version by Y.Daniel Liang [Courses] Object Oriented Programming in Java on Coursera [Tutorials] [Tutorials] Web technologies: html-css-javascript [Courses] HTML, CSS and Javascript for Web Developers [Tutorials] Javascript: [Tutorials] Javascript: [Tutorials] [Tutorials] Database [Courses] Introduction to SQL: Querying and managing data - Khan Academy [Practice] SQL Tutorial [Practice] HackerRank SQL practice [Tutorials] DBMS and SQL tutorials for Beginners [Course] Introduction To MongoDB Unix Knowled...
A Mother is undoubtedly a god-sent angel who will shower her never-ending love and attention. As a result, through Mother’s Day celebrations, our forefathers dedicated a day to honor mothers, motherhood, and maternal bonding. Sending Mother's Day Gifts to the most important lady in your life, outings, and general joyful enthusiasm are all part of the festivities all across the world. One must think outside the box and choose innovative gifting options when considering the perfect Mother's Day Gifts for her. Best gifts for mom reflect how much you appreciate your mother and what significance she holds in your life.