List of technology resources I planned to revisit

Programming languages: Java

[Books] Introduction To Java Programming, Comprehensive Version by Y.Daniel Liang
[Courses] Object Oriented Programming in Java on Coursera

Web technologies: html-css-javascript

[Tutorials] Javascript:


[Courses] Introduction to SQL: Querying and managing data  - Khan Academy
[Practice] SQL Tutorial
[Practice] HackerRank SQL practice
[Tutorials] DBMS and SQL tutorials for Beginners
[Course] Introduction To MongoDB

Unix Knowledge

Version Control

[Course] Version Control with Git
[Tutorials] A Visual Git Reference
[Tutorials] Learn Git Branching
[Cheat sheets]



Cloud Computing 

[Course] Cloud Computing Basics(Cloud 101)

Computer Networking 

Containers and Orchestration


Message Brokers

Build Tools

[Tutorials] Maven Tutorial
[Tutorials] Gradle Tutorials


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

Interview preparation for Software QA Automation Engineer

Interview journey at Kona Software Lab Ltd for the post Junior Engineer(SQA)